Sweet Affirmation

Now listen, and believe me, I am not just saying this because I'm your mother... You are the prettiest, nicest girl in the entire school, not to mention the brightest, and if you don't believe me just go look in the mirror. Don't worry...one day your ship will come in.

(Thank you, Vicki & Mike Sweet, for making sure I knew I was the brightest and the best, even in my own mind. As parents and human beings, you rock. Because of you, I am able to spread some of that love and affirmation around. Pass it on!)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Social Ties

I just got a note, via Facebook, from an old friend. Actually, an old friend of my sister's, and that's what made it so cool. I have received personal notes from my siblings' friends, my parents' friends, old family friends, childhood rivals-now-friends, vaguely remembered classmates, ex-boyfriends, one ex-husband, a long-lost spiritual advisor, current priests and church friends, work associates, favorite clients, a crazy former boss, favorite college professors, current and former neighbors, and of course, my dearest old friends I never see and new friends I see all the time. And that's just the start of it! My family uses it as a primary source of sharing news, photos and joyful moments, and now I don't know how we'd live without it.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogging...they are all ways for me to both express myself (to be known) and to engage with others (to know them). It's profoundly rewarding most of the time, annoying once in a while (who invented all those stupid quizzes?!?), and most of all amazing.

I am astounded by the time it takes to really connect with people, but I don't begrudge that time. I consider it a gift. Because of the "social networking" options available I am able to truly connect with people who are relevant today, who are part of my past, and are likely to be important in the future. And look, you're reading this blog, so you fall in at least one of those groups!

Being a Sweet means being grateful for the social ties that bind us all, and recognizing that the work that goes into maintaining them is always worth it in the end.

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