Sweet Affirmation

Now listen, and believe me, I am not just saying this because I'm your mother... You are the prettiest, nicest girl in the entire school, not to mention the brightest, and if you don't believe me just go look in the mirror. Don't worry...one day your ship will come in.

(Thank you, Vicki & Mike Sweet, for making sure I knew I was the brightest and the best, even in my own mind. As parents and human beings, you rock. Because of you, I am able to spread some of that love and affirmation around. Pass it on!)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Consider the Source

(Note: If you haven't read my previous post, you might want to do that now...)

Well, I've made a decision about which path to take. It feels really good! I'm so excited about getting out of the murky, stagnant water and into something fresh and swift. I've got my paddle ready and I'm ready to use it. My head feels clear, my eyes are bright, and I have the energy needed for (and indeed, am being fed by) what lies ahead.

How did I finally make this decision, you might ask? Well, I had a lot of "signs" that pointed me in the right direction.
  • The first was a couple of conference presentations and subsequent news articles I read about growth in the market research field. Everything pointed me to the direction of "greater collaboration." In fact, one of the papers referenced the company that I will be joining. (Sign #1)
  • I visited a dear friend in London, and he is a senior, senior planner - the type that would be my clients' boss - and when I told him about the opportunity, he told me, "You'd be an idiot not to take this. It's perfect for you. You will grow and grow and always be better for it." (Sign #2)
  • The next was having dinner in Prague with two women - one a shaman, the other a respected researcher and ethnographer, who also is an expert in Tarot cards! :-) Andrew tried not to get bored as she read my cards while we were having dinner next to the Charles Bridge and WOW did I have a lot of positive choices - nothing looked bad according to the Tarot. However, I got the "Universe" card for the path I ultimately chose. This is about the best thing you can get - and definitely matched everything I was looking for - growth, opportunity, tapping into the universal energy, blah-de-blah-blah. It all sounded perfect; I felt like the divine was talking directly to me. (Sign #3)
  • I got an email from the company I have decided to join, the day before my presentation in Prague, wishing me luck. It came from the head of the qualitative unit - my boss's boss. She signed it with affection. Did I get anything similar from my boss of 10 years? Nope. (Sign #4)
  • When I got back to my office and was reporting on the conference, one of my current colleagues mentioned - entirely out of the blue - the company I would be joining as an example of forward thinking, rigorous analysis, and team collaboration...all the things I was trying to communicate at the staff meeting. She had worked there a decade previously and still was impressed by what they were doing. (Sign #5)
  • And finally, I got an actual job offer. It was exactly what I'd asked for. Really competitive, amazing benefits. There was no negotiating - total excitement on both sides. They way my soon-to-be boss concluded our phone conversation was this: "I'm so excited for us - because I know you're going to be an amazing part of our team. But more importantly, I'm excited for you - because you're going to be able to craft the exact future you want here." (Sign #6)
How many more signs did I need? None. All of these sources were trustworthy. I feel like they were building the lock in the river - a safe place that would allow me to breathe, think, and turn the boat so I could switch gears. I'm now turning the boat, ready for what's ahead.

My parents are super excited for me. They've always pushed me to follow my dreams. They think I'm brilliant no matter what. But they never told me "what to do," they just encouraged me to pray about it and then to listen - really listen - because the divine speaks in many ways.

Being a Sweet means staying open to input from many sources, deeply listening, and ultimately going with what feels right. I've done that, and I'm at peace.

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