Sweet Affirmation

Now listen, and believe me, I am not just saying this because I'm your mother... You are the prettiest, nicest girl in the entire school, not to mention the brightest, and if you don't believe me just go look in the mirror. Don't worry...one day your ship will come in.

(Thank you, Vicki & Mike Sweet, for making sure I knew I was the brightest and the best, even in my own mind. As parents and human beings, you rock. Because of you, I am able to spread some of that love and affirmation around. Pass it on!)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

10 Years, 10 Things

As of October 24th, Andrew and I have been married for 10 years. 10 years! It's astonishing to me that he has been able to put up with me for that long, plus the time it took for us to get hooked up in the first place. I'm fairly certain he'll never read this post, because he kind of ignores my posts to Facebook and Twitter, but I'm doing it for me. I know I have a really good life, and he's a huge part of that, on a daily basis. And that alone is worth some overt appreciation.

I would like to list 10 things that make me grateful I am married to Andrew Browder. Among other things, he is my favorite...

1. Bug Remover. When someone in the house shrieks at a bug running across the carpet or up the wall, he scoops it up and takes it outside. Our distinct impression is that he does not actually kill the bug (bad) but instead just removes it from our direct line of sight (good).

2. Errand Runner. This man knows how to make a list, and check things off. He can leave the house and come home two hours later after stopping at the post office (a package I forgot to mail), the shoe repair shop (fix a broken heel), Target (more Halloween candy, just in case), one of the kids' schools (form that needs a signature), Walgreen's (pick up a prescription) and the deli (lunch for us). He makes it look so easy.

3. Softie. Everyone who knows Andrew knows he shows his emotions, often, and can't really hide them even when he tries. He cried at our wedding. He cries talking about his grandparents. He cries at sappy commercials, even before I do! He calls Tate his "snuggie" and he kisses Quin every day when he drops him off at school. I am so glad I married a man who is not afraid to show his real emotions, on his face and in his words.

4. Exerciser. He takes care of himself, mainly to feel good, but it also keeps him in great shape. He runs, bikes, does that crazy hot yoga... and while he's not obsessive about it, he makes sure to fit it in. I admire him for it and appreciate what all this exercise does for him. He looks hot.

5. Organizer of stuff. How would I ever find anything if it weren't for Andrew? He is constantly putting away my shoes, moving my piles, throwing out unnecessary crap, folding and putting away the laundry, and is able to tell me where almost anything is when I ask. If we ever get audited, I am not worried. His file system is pretty impressive.

6. Fixer of things. Andrew is my own personal handyman. And everyone else's, too. If you need a dimmer installed, a toy repaired, a sink unclogged, a ceiling patched and repainted, an oil leak investigated...I've got the man for the job. Someone suggested he go into that "rent a husband" business, but I suggested he would be too good at the job and someone would try to snag him from me. No thanks, he's mine.

7. Goofball. My husband is silly, plain and simple. It's why kids love him and he's like the Pied Piper wherever we're at a park. Kids think his monster routines and knock-knock jokes are hilarious. With adults, he has a very dry, understated sense of humor. But he loves slapstick. And fart jokes. And good-natured ribbing. He likes to have fun, and not take things too seriously. Because I'm married to a goofball, it gives me permission to be a bit crazy, too...but also to be the sensible one when it's needed. He just makes me laugh.

8. Travel partner. I didn't even have a passport until I was 27, and Andrew had been to at least 20 countries by that time. He is an adventurous, awesome travel companion. He lets me plan the itinerary, but has definite ideas about things to see and do, which usually end up being kind of taxing, but always memorable and fun. Traveling with Andrew - with or without the kids, within the US or abroad - is one of my favorite things to do. I can't wait until our next excursion, always!

9. Pessimist. Andrew can find the flip side to any argument. Of course, this in itself has caused a few arguments. But I will say, that by always having to defend my Pollyanna ways, I've been forced to find rational arguments where an emotional, visceral first response would have headed me in the wrong direction. So Andrew forcing me to look at the shadowy side, not just the bright side, helps me make better decisions for the long run.

10. Epicurean. He likes good food, and he knows a good drink. He can cook, and he makes awesome cocktails. He finds the best dive restaurants, and makes reservations at the swankiest spots we can afford. He will drive miles out of the way to go to a brewery in the middle of nowhere, or a bakery in a rough part of town, all because he thinks I'll love it. When we travel together, he never makes me eat at a chain restaurant, and he takes my tastes into account when choosing between quirky (my style) and totally avant-garde (his style). He introduces me to new tastes, but he appreciates the old ones. His buffalo steak with red wine-butter sauce and caramelized onion omelets are legendary...and I can have them whenever I want!

Those are not necessarily the 10 most important or even noteworthy things that make Andrew who he is as a person, but they are some that I appreciate right now, after being on this journey with him for the past decade and looking forward to many years to come.

Being a Sweet means appreciating your mate, and not just in private. My husband is a very Sweet man, even if it's not his last name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading about your thoughts, your life and your 'sweet' family. You bring joy in my life. Nana