Sweet Affirmation

Now listen, and believe me, I am not just saying this because I'm your mother... You are the prettiest, nicest girl in the entire school, not to mention the brightest, and if you don't believe me just go look in the mirror. Don't worry...one day your ship will come in.

(Thank you, Vicki & Mike Sweet, for making sure I knew I was the brightest and the best, even in my own mind. As parents and human beings, you rock. Because of you, I am able to spread some of that love and affirmation around. Pass it on!)

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Starting today

I've been thinking about this for a while.
I've said to myself...

Let's figure out a way to get some photos and stories and random memories posted for free!

Let's invent another way to procrastinate when you have a report due!

Let's find a way to fill hours in the middle of the night, both when you need sleep and when you are experiencing insomnia!

I know...
Let's start a blog!

I expect that my mom and dad will check for new postings daily, as will my sisters. Other family members might post their own thoughts. I welcome any comments you want to make!

I'm hoping that anyone who reads this blog will get a sense of what it means to be "a Sweet." I'll say right off the bat: it's pretty great. My mission isn't just to brag about how great my family is, how great my life is. It's the same as everyone else's in that your life is what you make it! But, I am incredibly fortunate to have been put on this earth as a Sweet.

Every time I post I'm going to try to conclude with something that I feel relates to being a Sweet. Since my parents are coming to visit this weekend, I'm thinking of them the most. And this is what I know about all of us:

Being a Sweet means knowing that there is no place like home.


Unknown said...

Nothing like going to the cabin to relax and go for a hike up to sylvan lake. Just don't go the wrong way and watch out for the mountain lions!

Susan said...

Mountain lions? Don't you mean wild burros and domesticated buffalo?